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What Mt. futaba

It is said that the name of Mt. Futaba has been given during the Tenpo era, and also it is derived from the fact that many Japanese red pine leaves at that time became two leaves. Mt. Futaba is located on the north side of Hiroshima Station, has many coniferous forests that are virgin forests, and it is thought that this is because the clan administration strictly regulated logging and management from the Edo period. Also, since it is located in the northeast of the demon gate of Hiroshima Castle, many shrines and temples are lined up at the foot of Mt. Futaba. It is also a place that has been cherished as a temple and shrine forest.  Mt. Futaba has a forest of Lithocarpus glaber, which is designated as an endangered species and boasts the largest area in Japan. Once you step in, you can climb from the approach to Kinko Inari Shrine to the Peace Pagoda in a precious forest where you can feel the amazingly rich nature, and from the top of the mountain you can see a magnificent view of Hiroshima city.

Cherish the nature that our predecessors have protected

To protecting the nature of Futabasan and maintaining the approach to Kinko Inari Shrine,we made a group.


Mt. Futaba is a hiking course that can be easily climbed and is visited by more than 200 people on weekends. It is located in the precincts of Hiroshima Toshogu Shrine so that has been protected for generations. But because of deterioration of Kinko Inari Shrine, and the stone steps have been spilled with sand, making it difficult for visitors to walk safely.
The group was established by My Japan in January of 2021. The members are local people, Asageshiki tour guides, and My Japan members who agreed with their thoughts maintained the route in  Mt. Futaba. The members range from 20s to 60s, and currently more than 30 people are involved in the activities.


■ ActivitiesThere are 500 stone steps in total. We take a sandbag and cement from the foot of the mountain and mix them in the mountains to repair the dented approach while doing a bucket relay. We are continuing activities to clean up fallen trees, pick up trash, and protect Mt. Futaba, which has abundant nature in the neighborhood.

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